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    An Ode to the PTFA

    An Ode to the PTFA


    The thought in my head

    Was do what you can

    School needs your help

    You have time to plan


    How hard can it be?

    To raise money for school

    There are lots or parents

    This will be cool


    Running around

    Collecting prizes

    Begging for gifts

    And checking on sizes

    Pricing supplies

    Meetings galore

    Sorting out ties

    Risk assessing the floor


    Simple it’s not

    But worth it? For sure,

    The smiles on the faces

    Of the children is worth more

    Than a Bafta award

    Or a perfect score!


    So, I do what I can

    In my own way

    Hoping a difference

    Will be made today!

    (Vicky is the Chairperson of her PTFA. Her school, St.Nicholas Church of England Primary School is a member of The Stamptastic PTA Rewards Scheme) and received a £30 fundraising voucher for writing this blog post. If you would like to write a blog post for us please join our Stamptastic PTA and Schools Facebook Group to find out more!)

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