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    Top 11 Summer Fair Tips!

    Top 11 Summer Fair Tips!



    1. Have a comprehensive checklist and start getting things in place early. I start my initial preparations as soon as the Christmas fair is done! 


    1. Start requesting raffle prizes early, I start in January sending letters and talking to contacts. Keep a list of who has donated what and the value. 


    1. Look after your volunteers. If it is hot, provide cool water. If it’s raining, give them access to hot drinks or a free cake!


    1. Find a sponsor for raffle tickets which then covers printing costs. 


    1. Think about having entertainment spaced throughout the event to keep people there, especially if it involves the children! 


    1. Tombola mufti. Agree a date with the school where the children come in mufti in exchange for bringing a tombola prize. Split the classes, 2 classes bring sweets and chocolate, 2 classes bring toys and games, 3 classes bring adult tombola items. This allows you to have 3 tombola stalls, as they are always popular 


    1. Win tickets to exchange for prizes. Make sure you have enough stalls where you can win tickets as prizes. Then purchase prizes and label them (2 tickets to win this, 5 tickets to win this etc) 


    1. Tool belt for chair and main helpers. Have a tool belt which has all the essentials in it: Tickets, scissors, walkie talkie, raffle tickets, small float, sellotape etc) 


    1. Send out information well in advance of the event so people know what is happening and when. Such as cake donations, when raffle tickets are being distributed etc 


    1. Have a programme with a map in it of the stalls, also have a large map at the entrance for people to view. 


    1.  Request ice from local McDonalds if it is hot! 


    By Gail Roe, Chair – Friends of Little Harrowden Primary School (FLHPS)

    ( Friends of Little Harrowden Primary School are a member of The Stamptastic PTA Rewards Scheme) and received a £30 fundraising voucher for writing this blog post. If you would like to write a blog post for us please join our Stamptastic PTA and Schools Facebook Group to find out more!)

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