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    Review from Max George (Instagram)

    Review from Max George (Instagram)

    As a mother of 4 boys I often find that I am forever buying new school jumpers and shirts, whether they have been lost or misplaced or simply someone has taken the wrong jumper home yet they never find there way back! My intentions for September each year is to write names in absolutely everything, this is always going to be a lengthy process when there is 4 lots to do. I have tried iron-in labels, these were no good for us as i found they eventually came away, particularly when using the clothes dryer. I have tried various fabric pens but its still four lots of everything to write on, not exactly a 5 minute job for a busy mum.

     I mean, how much easier could it be if you had a Personalised Rubber Stamp to do it for you right? So my experience with Stamptastic began.

    Ordering via Stamptastic website-

    The website is very easy to navigate through, it gives you quite a few options on the type of font and cute little symbols you can add at the side, even the children can choose what they want on their stamps! Whether it be their favourite mode of transport or a simple emoji smile for the eldest, it was a big hit in our house choosing their own.

    I decided to go for a very clear simple font, I did this purposely so my young children could easily read it. However the swirly font would have been my first choice as it looks so fancy. I liked that you could see a preview of what the stamp would look like meaning that you can swap and change what is on there until you have what you want and making sure it is all within the guidelines to fit.

    Stamptastic Personalised Name Stamp

    The children then went ahead and chose their symbols they wanted. We did find that you couldn’tadd 2 different symbols to one stamp.

    You also have a choice of the type of postal service. This is really important for us, we can tend to be very last minute with things so being offered a quicker post is essential for if you need them quickly.

    Receiving our stamps-

    I was so excited to receive our Stamptastic Personalised Stamps, it was very fast delivery. They came quicker than expected so was a lovely surprise. I could not wait to get started using them...

    Using the stamps-

     They are really easy to use, you simply place the Rubber Stamp in the ink and away you go. I soon found that i was stamping absolutely everything... And I mean everything, it almost become an obsession! From sweatshirts and shirts to shoes and bags.

    The children were also very impressed, not only did they have their names printed into their clothing but they had their chosen design too. The stamps can be wiped and kept in a zip bag and the ink pad also in the separate zip bag it came with.

    Alongside the stamp kit we also ordered the White Fabric Pen, this can be used on black labels in clothing. You have to make sure you pull the label tight as this makes it easier to glide the pen. Its easy to write on the inner of shoes too. Simply pull off the cap and write away. Hopefully it will help the kids find their shoes now, you wouldn’t believe me if i told you i once had 2 left shoes come home!

    I found that the ink didn’t immediately dry so you need to make sure little hands stay away for a little while. It soaks slightly into the fabric so took a couple of rewrites too but its definitely a better option than lost shoes.

    The ink from the Stamp has yet to wear away from the clothes labels, they stamp on very clearly and have already been through the washing machine. Even on our white shirts that have been on long washes at high temperatures due to stains.

    My initial thought on prices were that they are at the higher end of our limit for what you think is a stamp, but once arrived and after using these its infact very affordable for the usage you get from them. We will be able to use the stamps for the rest of the kids school days only needing to replace the ink pad when that runs out. However I feel if stored correctly these would last a very very long time.

    Overall I am very impressed with the Stamptastic products and will be ordering more inkpads if and when we need to replace them. Its much easier to use than writing on everything and i find the ink stays much better than fabric pens you find on the high-street.

    Rebecca @maxgeorgej


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