Stamptastic Personalised Stamps and Gifts

What Should I Do When I Get My Child's Primary School Place?

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Congratulations on getting your child's primary school place! Here are some things you can do:

  1. Respond to the offer: Make sure to respond to the offer within the given deadline, whether you accept or decline the place.

  2. Visit the school: If you haven't already, it's a good idea to visit the school with your child. This will give you both an idea of what to expect and help your child feel more comfortable about starting school.

  3. Meet the teacher: If possible, arrange to meet your child's teacher before the start of the school year. This will give you a chance to ask any questions you may have and help your child become more familiar with their teacher.

  4. Get organized: Make sure you have all the necessary information, such as the start date, school hours and term times. Pay attention to INSET days, these are teacher training days when your child does not need to attend school!

  5. Prepare your child: Talk to your child about what to expect at school and try to make the transition as smooth as possible. You can also read books or watch videos about starting school together.

  6. Check out the school website what school uniform and accessories you need to buy. Create a school uniform checklist so you can tick items off as you buy them.
  7. Have a look at the Staamptastic Starting School advice blog posts which give great advice on encouraging independence, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, social skills and much more
  8. Order the labels or personalised name stamps early so you don't have to have a panic labelling all the school uniform the night before they start school!

Remember, starting school is a big step for both you and your child. It's important to stay positive, be supportive, and keep the lines of communication open with your child's school.


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