You know how much Emma and I love being part of the Small Business Community!
Ever since we started getting involved with The Small Business Saturday team back in early 2019 we have fallen more in love with with our business, Stamptastic. They have enabled us to take a step back and see how far our business has come. Any Small Business owners will tell you that they very rarely pat themselves on the back and recognise their achievements, but the Small Business Saturday team not only do that for you but also encourage you to shout fron the rooftops about your success. It doesn't feel very British and it's something we are gettibg used to but we are Small Business owners and proud of it 😀
2019 was a great year for us! We won The Best Digital Business at the Small Awards, were featured as a Top 100 Business in Small Business Saturday, Fran was listed as a Top 100 female entrepreneur and we were chosen to attend the British Libary Innvovating For Growth Programme. Following the British Library Programme (which started in October and ended in December) we started putting all our exciting plans in place and then in March Covid struck.
It was a bit of a thrill to be asked by Small Business Saturday to bne interviewed by the Minister for Small Business, not only did it give me a chance to get out of my pyjamas (well top half anyway 😝) it was another opportunity to share the successes of our business and see how far we have come. If you watch the video below you can find out what happened to our plans, did we follow them through and what happened.
Thanks to Small Business Saturday for giving me the opportunity to share about our business 💙
Thanks for watching!
Other blog posts you may enjoy:
Stamptastic Interview for The British Library Start Up Day
Fran and Emma Stamptastic Meet Sir Vince Cable MP for Small Business Saturday
Fran Stamptastic Mentors Small Businesses on the Small Business Saturday