Last night Jenna Wilson from Little Dreams Consulting joined me for a Facebook Live Broadcast to discuss SLEEP and how important it is!
I remember when my kids started reception class (what seems like a thousand years ago 😂) during the welcome evening the reception teachers mentioned to us how important it was to ensure our children got a good nights sleep because otherwise they would be too tired to learn the foloowing day. Also, because the first few weeks can be exhausting for children as they are learning so many new things that a good nights sleep is even more important that normal.
But there is so much more to it that that!
Jenna explained why it is important for your child (aged 3-5 years) to get 10 to 13 hours sleep a night. She also gave some great tips about how to get your child to fall asleep independently rather than being reliant on a sleep aid such as music, stories or a parent sitting with them.
If you are struggling to get your child to sleep, you are dreading bed time and/or your child wakes up through the night I would really encourage you to watch this video as Jenna is brilliant!
You can read the blog post that Jenna wrote for us HERE
You can find out more from Little Dreams consulting HERE
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